luni, 3 septembrie 2012

Traducatori: dictionare si altele

Am preluat de la un coleg binevoitor, care a postat pe blogul său, un adevărat Turn Babel: lista de dicţionare de mai jos. Sunt indicate către sfârşit şi diverse tools pentru traduceri. Poate vă prinde bine!

  1. (DE)-(LA)-(PDF) - Wörterbuch der heutigen Rechts- und Politiksprache | Johann Paul Bauer. Latein ist keine tote Sprache! Es gibt immer noch einen Staat, in dem Latein die Amtssprache ist. Er hat ein Gesetzbuch und eine Verfassung in lateinischer Sprache, und er wendet sich in vielfältigen Verlautbarungen an die Völker der Erde, die meistens auch in lateinischer Fassung veröffentlicht werden. Damit wird eine erstaunliche Kontinuität erreicht, die Sprache Ciceros ist durchaus in der Lage, ganz moderne Phänomene auszudrücken. Nur ist dies außerhalb der engeren Fachkreise kaum bekannt. Dieser Unkenntnis soll das vorliegende Buch ein wenig abhelfen. Es will an vielen konkreten, den Quellen entnommenen Beispielen zeigen, wie die vatikanischen Autoren die alte Sprache an die heutige Welt angepasst haben
  2. (TOOL)-(IT) - Nuovo gruppo Facebook per traduttrici e traduttori da e verso l'italiano specializzati nel settore medico, veterinario e farmaceutico
  3. (TOOL)-(IT) - L'attività del traduttore in una casa editrice | Gianluigi Maiorino. Il traduttore tra mediazione linguistico-culturale e ri-creazione dei testi nella presentazione di Gianluigi Maiorino
  4. (DE)-(LA) - Juristische Fachtermini lateinischen Ursprungs | Juristische Fachtermini lateinischen Ursprungs (Prozeßrecht Strafrecht Verfassungsrecht Völkerrecht Zivilrecht) mit Lateinische Grammatik / Grammatica latina
  5. (DE)-(IT) - Immobilien-Wörterbuch deutsch-italienisch u. umgekehrt | Selbst wenn Sie der italienischen Sprache mächtig sind, so werden Sie im Zuge Ihrer Immobiliensuche doch immer wieder auf neues Fachvokabular stoßen. Hier finden Sie einen kleinen Überblick der wichtigsten Begriffe
  6. (EN) - Skin Care Glossary | NeoStrata ® Official Site. NeoStrata, Exuviance, CoverBlend and NeoCeuticals dermatologist developed skin care products target skin concerns with Alpha and Poly Hydroxy Acids. Decipher all of the tech-talk
  7. (EN) - The PubChem Project | PubChem provides information on the biological activities of small molecules. PubChem includes substance information, compound structures, and BioActivity data in three primary databases, Pcsubstance, Pccompound, and PCBioAssay, respectively. Pcsubstance contains about 93 million records. You can check the count of substance records as of today. Pccompound contains nearly 33 million unique structures. You can check the count of compound records as of today. PCBioAssay contains more than 621,000 BioAssays. Each BioAssay contains a various number of data points. You can check the count of BioAssay records as of today
  8. (PL)-(PDF) - WYMAGANIA BEZPIECZEŃSTWA DLA MASZYN | WYMAGANIA BEZPIECZEŃSTWA DLA MASZYN UMIESZCZANYCH NA RYNKACH UNII EUROPEJSKIEJ I NA RYNKU POLSKI (począwszy od strony 98 zamieszczono międzynarodowe określenia norm zharmonizowanych z Dyrektywą 98/37/WE)
  9. (PL)-(PDF) - Środki Ochrony Indywidualnej
  10. (PL) - Podręcznik obejmujący sprawy bezpieczeństwa, zdrowia i ochrony środowiska w przemyśle budowy okrętów i offshore. Poradnik bezpieczeństwa pracy, ochrony zdrowia i ochrony środowiska został przygotowany w ramach programu partnerstwa rozwojowego „Szlak fachowca”. Książka jest przeznaczona dla wszystkich pracowników przemysłu stoczniowego. Może ona być wykorzystywana jako materiał szkoleniowy oraz jako wsparcie podczas codziennej pracy. Książka jest w wielu zakładach oficjalnym poradnikiem bezpieczeństwa pracy
  11. (ES)-(PDF) - Guía de redacción para los juegos olímpicos | Fundéu BBVA. Todas las dudas que pueden surgir en la redacción de las informaciones relacionadas con los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres, que comienzan el próximo 27 de julio, pueden resolverse en una guía que la Fundación del Español Urgente (Fundéu BBVA) ha publicado hoy en su página de internet. Esta guía contiene información de los términos propios de los diferentes deportes olímpicos, un anexo sobre toponimia que recoge los gentilicios y los códigos de los 204 países que participantes, y un glosario de 300 entradas
  12. (ES)-(EN)-(PDF) - Diccionario Tecnico de Aviacion |
  13. (EN)-(PDF) - Dictionary of Public Health Promotion and Education: Terms and Concepts | Written for public health professionals and students, the Dictionary of Public Health Education and Health Promotion, Second Edition (Naomi Modeste, Teri Tamayose), includes definitions for terms and concepts frequently used in public health education and promotion. The book offers both students and professionals a handy resource and contains a wide range of health education related terminologies and effectively eliminates the need for wading through scores of books or articles to find a definition. The book also provides an easily used reference for those working in research or design of public health interventions and: • Offers a reference list of the terms found most often in the professional literature • Includes key terms used in related public health disciplines such as epidemiology, health administration, biostatistics, environmental health, and behavioral sciences • Presents terms relevant to the four settings of health promotion and education—community, workplace, primary care, and school • Provides a useful study aid when preparing for the exam to become a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)
  14. (EN) - Glossary of linguistic terms | Glossary of linguistic terms by Eugene E. Loos (general editor) Susan Anderson (editor) Dwight H., Day, Jr. (editor) Paul C. Jordan (editor) J. Douglas Wingate (editor)
  15. (EN) - Glossary of Instructional Strategies | Kelly Jo Rowan. Design and planning resource for classroom teachers, instructional designers, and professors of education. The glossary lists, describes, and provides links for over 800 educational strategies, theories, and activities
  16. (PT) - DICIONÁRIO BÁSICO DE FILOSOFIA | Hilton Japiassú & Danilo Marcondes: Ao longo dos séculos, a reflexão filosófica vem tecendo uma história apaixonante. E adescoberta progressiva das leis do pensamento humano constitui uma conquista cujo relato aindanão terminou. Essa epopéia deixou marcas profundas em nossa cultura e em nossa língua. Inúmeras são as palavras e as expressões que conhecemos bem, mas cuja fonte permanece subterrânea. As palavras filosóficas abrem-nos um campo de ação praticamente infinito: o dopensamento dos homens e de tudo o que existe no universo. Porque a filosofia possui umavocação universal. Deixando às outras disciplinas do saber a preocupação de designar oparticular e o concreto, ela trabalha sobre aquilo que unifica a diversidade das aparências: o geralou abstrato. Aos leigos ou profanos, elaparece falar uma língua estrangeira. No entanto, mesmoem nossas conversas cotidianasou em nossas leituras de jornais e revistas, deparamo-nos comtermos forjados pela filosofia: conceito, gnose, maiêutica, hermenêutica, dialética, análise, teoriaetc. Não falam de modo complicado os filósofos o que poderiam dizer de maneira simples? Claroque a faculdade de abstrair não constitui privilégio dos filósofos, mas da espécie humana.Mascomo todos os saberes (da carpintaria à física atômica), a filosofia tem necessidade de palavras suscetíveis de designar com precisão os objetos de sua reflexão. Ela precisa de termos técnicos. Nosso esforço, neste Dicionário básico de filosofia, consistiu em dar a esses termos uma definição acessível a todos e, quase sempre,esclarecida pela etimologia
  17. (MULTI) - Translating EU texts made easier — links to resources | EU – DG Translation. Stuck for a term in an EU language? Need background information on the EU and its member countries? Here's our pick of links you may find useful (for every EU language)
  18. (EN) - Legal Dictionary |'s online Real Life Dictionary of the Law. The easiest-to-read, most user-friendly guide to legal terms. Use it free
  19. (IT) - Glossario informatico | Il servizio di glossario informatico di glossario internet, glossario informatica, glossario informatico, glossario web, dizionario internet, dizionario informatica, dizionario informatico, dizionario web, enciclopedia internet, enciclopedia
  20. (MULTI)-(PDF) - Glossary of legal terms | VITS LanguageLink 2004. Multilingual Glossary in 13 languages (Arabic Bosnian Chinese Croatian Greek Italian Macedonian Russian Serbian Somali Spanish Turkish Vietnamese)
  21. (EN) - Glossary Of Wedding Terms And Definitions | Your Wedding DJ. All weddings are different of course, but nevertheless they also have many things in common, so here is a look at some of the terms and definitions that are associated with them. It can be useful to know in advance what you might expect, whether you will be attending as a guest, a family member (who may be footing some of the bill for these things), or even looking for ideas if you are a prospective bride or groom
  22. (EN)-(PDF) - Operating theatres. Review of national findings | Surgical operations are an important part of acute hospital activity. For many patients they are the sole reason for admission to hospital. In 2001/02 nearly 7 million operations were performed on patients admitted to hospitals in England and Wales (Ref. 1). Most were ‘elective’ patients admitted from surgical waiting lists, but some patients who were admitted as emergencies also required an operation. Much surgery is technically complex and requires a range of people with different skills to be in one place. These include one or more surgeons, one or more anaesthetists, as well as special theatre nurses and practitioners and a range of assistants and technicians. Staff from other departments, such as radiology or pathology, are also sometimes required. Many of these staff are involved in preparing patients for operations and in moving them in to and out of theatres at the right time. Gathering the right people at the right time in the right place is difficult enough in itself, but it is only half the battle. They have to work together in harmony, with common goals and agreed standards. Each person must not only be skilled in his or her own role, but must also understand and co-ordinate with others’ roles. As well as the people, a wide range of consumables (from syringes to replacement hip joints) and equipment (from surgical instruments to operating microscopes) have to be assembled without fail
  23. (EN)-(FR)-(DE)-(ES)-(IT)-(NL)-(€) - The Multilingual Dictionary of Real Estate: A guide for the property professional in the Single European Market. The Multilingual Dictionary of Real Estate" is not simply a word-for-word dictionary of specialist and technical terminology. It offers explanations of terms which cannot be translated exactly or are liable to cause confusion. A supplementary section of the dictionary provides detailed notes as well as translations of particularly tricky terms. There are also invaluable sections outlining the real estate and planning systems in the different European countries, government and planning hierarchies and real estate associations throughout Europe
  24. (EN)-(ES)-(PDF) - A Glossary of Argentine Financial Terms and Acronyms | U.S. Embassy Buenos Aires
  25. (FI) - HUUMESANASTOA | Huumeidenkäyttäjät käyttävät slangia, jonka ymmärtäminen on tarkoituksella ulkopuoliselle vaikeaa ja joka muuttuu jatkuvasti. Tässä yleisiä, pääasiassa huumeisiin liittyviä, sanoja ja sanastoja joista monella on myös muita slangimerkityksiä
  26. (DE)-(EN-UK)-(FR)-(IT)-(ES)-(EN-US) - Organe einer Aktiengesellschaft in mehreren Sprachen | Gli organi di una Società per Azioni in più lingue
  27. (EN) - Internet Slang words - Internet Dictionary | Internet Slang words - Internet Dictionary. Internet Slang. A list of common slang words, acronyms and abbreviations as used in websites, ICQ chat rooms, blogs, SMS, and internet forums
  28. (RU)-(IT)-(PDF) - Glossario di dermatologia | Valentina Armiento. Avvalendomi della collaborazione di un medico ho creato un glossario russo – italiano / italiano – russo di dermatologia, che comprende anatomia, istologia, malattie dermatologiche e diagnosi clinica, che possa essere d’ausilio a ricercatori, traduttori e interpreti, raggiungendo così lo scopo per il quale questo strumento è stato redatto. Il glossario è pensato principalmente per coloro che hanno conseguito un master in traduzione medica, data la complessità del linguaggio e il frequente ricorso ad una terminologia altamente tecnica, accessibile quasi solo agli specialisti del settore
  29. (EN) - Cotton Terminology | Farming & Agriculture. According to more recent terminology, cotton is approaching cutout at five nodes above white bloom and is generally considered to be cutout at three nodes above white bloom. Cotton blooming out the top is considered cutout
  30. (ES) - Diccionario de Marketing | Diccionario de Marketing y Diccionario de Publicidad - Definiciones de Marketing y términos de publicidad en el diccionario de marketing de Socialetic
  31. (RU)-(EN) - ГЛОССАРИЙ и ТЕРМИНЫ венчурного бизнеса. ГЛОССАРИЙ терминов венчурного финансирования. ГЛОССАРИЙ. ТЕРМИНЫ и определения на A. ГЛОССАРИЙ и ТЕРМИНЫ венчурного бизнеса. ГЛОССАРИЙ терминов венчурного финансирования. Angel Investor - «бизнес-ангел» (амер.) - частное лицо, предоставляющее свой капитал одной или более начинающим компаниям
  32. (RU) - ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЕ КНИГИ. Скачать ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЕ КНИГИ. ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЕ КНИГИ бесплатно. ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЕ КНИГИ. Скачать ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЕ КНИГИ и ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЕ КНИГИ бесплатно. Электронные книги скачать бесплатно и библиотека электронных книг. КНИГИ СКАЧАТЬ. Скачать книги бесплатно. Электронная библиотека и электронная библиотека бесплатно
  33. (PL) - Internetowy słownik komputerowy | Hasła internetowego słownika komputerowego zaczynające się od litery A
  34. (MULTI) - International Phonemic Alphabet | International Phonemic Alphabet A a, Ă ă, Â â, B b, C c, Č č, D d, Ḋ ḋ, Ḑ ḑ, E e, È è, F f, G g, Ǧ ǧ, H h, İ i, J j, L l, M m, N n, Ñ ñ, O o, Ò ò, Ő ő, P p, R r, S s, Ș ș, Ś ś, T t, Ṫ ṫ, Ț ț, U u, Ű ű, V v, Z z, Ź ź
  35. (ZH) - 開放康熙字典 | 本網站定名為「開放康熙字典」,採用的《康熙字典》名稱為《康熙字典點校版》(簡稱本字典)。本字典以同文書局版為底本,字頭參考 Unicode 中的《康熙字典》字頭加以辨識修訂,注音符號和漢語拼音也採用Unicode 公布的 Unihan 中的資料,新式標點採用教育部公布的《標點符號使用手冊》。本字典採用新式標點,但字典中例句往往斷章取義,所以本字典沒有使用問號(?)。 本字典對例句的考辦文字,以注釋的方式呈現(初版從缺)。
  36. (TOOL) - List of courses, seminars and conferences on translation around the world Jul-Dec 2012
  37. (EN) - Nutrition glossary | Catherine Saxelby's Foodwatch. Here's a handy glossary of all those puzzling and annoying nutrition terms you find on food labels, in advertisements and in magazines. I've compiled them for my big book the Complete Food and Nutrition Companion to help you understand and grasp nutrition faster with less confusion
  38. (EN) - Sneaker Slang Glossary | Every culture has it’s own unique slang that helps dedicated connoisseurs stay in tune with what they love to do. Sneakers aren’t much different, fanatics use these terms on a daily basis to communicate with each other. Every wonder what does DEADSTOCK mean? Well you came to the right place. We will school you on all of the trendy words that make up the sneaker culture
  39. (JA)-(EN) - Shakuhachi zen glossary | Shakuhachi zen meditation glossary including kanji and definitions of shakuhachi words
  40. (TOOL) - JoSTrans - The Journal of Specialised Translation - Issue 18 (July 2012). The Journal of Specialised Translation is a collection of peer-reviewed articles, streamed interviews, and reviews. Special issue on Terminology, Phraseology and Translation - July 2012
  41. (ZH)-(EN) - 路透金融词典 | 路透中文网 - Reuter's Financial Dictionary
  42. (MULTI)-(DOC) - United Nations Interpreters Glossaries | Collection of United Nations Interpreters Glossaries, mostly in DOC format
  43. (CA)-(ES)-(EN) - Vocabulario de Soldadura | institut tècnic català de la soldadura. Through this collection of more than 3,000 words and terms in Catalan, Spanish and English languages related mainly with the welding and allied technologies, the ITCS aims for the diffusion of the Catalan among the metal sector, especially between the professionals of the Catalan industry close to welding processes
  44. (EN) - Glossary of Endodontic Terms | AAE. Digital Edition of The revised Glossary of Endodontic Terms 2012 by the America Association of Endodontists
  45. (EN) - Medical Terminology Finder |
  46. (EN)-(IT) - Dizionari e glossari di supporto alla traduzione | Vogliamo qui rendere disponibili alcuni dei dizionari preparati dai nostri traduttori. Si tratta di una sorta di taccuini di lavoro, compilati prendendo appunti mentre si esegue una traduzione, per tenere traccia di qualche ricerca terminologica che è stata particolarmente faticosa. I contributi sono diversi, e diversi sono gli stili di annotazione e di presentazione, solo parzialmente armonizzati da revisioni e accorpamenti. Speriamo possano essere utili ad altri colleghi per la risoluzione di qualche problema terminologico
  47. (IT) - LESSICO DEI TESSUTI PIÙ COMUNI | Le caratteristiche date di seguito per definire i tessuti corrispondono a ciò che tradizionalmente sono sempre state e non necessariamente a quello che sono ora, mantenendo, tuttavia, il nome attuale. Probabilmente i componenti sono cambiati, poiché molti che prima erano naturali sono stati sostituiti con altri che fanno abbassare i prezzi della produzione di tali tessuti, o li rendono più resistenti, o vengono usati per altri fini. Tutti, comunque, conservano le loro caratteristiche principali e il loro nome è quello corretto per definirle
  48. IT)-(EN)-(FR)-(DE)-(ES) - Le Parole Della Moda |
  49. (EN) - Typographer's Glossary | Playtype. Browse through our selection of more than a hundred typefaces and nearly 500 different font weights
  50. (EN)-(PDF) - Guideline Note on Mobile Financial Services: Basic Terminology | AFI Global. Newly released Guideline Note on Mobile Financial Services: Basic Terminology
  51. (EN) - A Glossary of Digital Photography Terms | Sometimes, the phrases, acronyms and strings of numbers or number-letter combinations used to identify photographic hardware or techniques can be daunting to the uninitiated neophyte photographer. We've prepared a list of the basic terms
  52. (EN) - Gold and Silver Market Terminology | These are the main words and terms that you will hear when you buy gold or sell gold. Don’t let them intimidate you, they are just simple words used in the industry and are not difficult to understand. Simply understanding a few of these terms, especially the ones like karat, gram and pennyweight, will help you to get the top dollar when you’re selling your gold, or even if you’re on the buying end of the gold market. Here is a fairly good list of gold and silver buying terms you should at least be familiar with. Again, the three most important terms to understand are karat, gram and pennyweight. If you understand these three words, and what they mean to your gold sale or purchase, you will be able to make an informed decision as to the competiveness of the price quotes to you
  53. (DE) - Glossar: Die wichtigsten Begriffe für Kreuzfahrt-Neulinge | Auf einer Kreuzfahrt begegnen vor allem Erstfahrern viele Begriffe, die man nicht sofort versteht oder die sogar in die Irre führen können, wenn man ihre Bedeutung nicht genau kennt. Oder man fährt zum ersten Mal auf einem englischsprachigen Schiff und kennt nur die deutschen Ausdrücke. Für alle Kreuzfahrt-Neulinge haben wir die wichtigsten Begriffe zusammengestellt, die man kennen sollte, um sich bei der Buchung und auf der Kreuzfahrt selbst zurecht zu finden
  54. (EN)-(PT) - English-Brazilian Portuguese Dictionary of Military Terminology | U.S. Army Combined Arms Center. This English-Portuguese Dictionary of Military Terminology was developed primarily by Mrs. LoreRezac, a Portuguese-language translator who served with singular distinction as a key member of the Brazilian edition staff of Military Review for 20 years until her retirement in 2007. Significant contributions were also provided by Mr. Shawn Spencer and Mr. Miguel Severo, Portuguese-translatorsalso serving at Military Review. We express our appreciation for their efforts in producing this usefulvolume. The Portuguese-language staff will continue to update and improve the dictionary as new military terminology is created and new requirements for words identified. This dictionary has been provided on line as a service in response to many requests received at Military Review by officers serving in Portuguese-speaking nations
  55. (IT) - Glossario delle vie ferrate | Tecnica, equipaggiamento, relazioni, foto e altro ancora sul mondo delle vie ferrate
  56. (DE)-(EN) - Photoshop-Lexikon englisch / deutsch | Oliver Weiss. Viele Photoshop-Tutorien, die Sie im Internet finden, sind auf englisch. Wenn Sie aber mit der deutschen Version arbeiten, ist es nicht immer einfach, die Menübefehle zuzuordnen: Was heißt denn nun eigentlich genau "Hue", "Purge" oder "Defringe"? Die folgenden Referenztabellen unterstützen Sie beim Verständnis der wichtigsten Begriffe der Menüs und der Toolbox (ab Photoshop 6
  57. (RU)-(EN)-(PDF) - Двуязычный гражданский кодекс РФ (перевод на англ. под редакцией П. Мэггса) | Альянс ПРО. Продолжая тему юридического перевода, хочу предложить переводчикам сверять свой перевод русских юридических терминов (а также их понимание) по одному из лучших переводов российского гражданского кодекса на английский язык. Использование переводческих решений из этого кодекса может существенно помочь переводчикам, например, при переводе российских договоров с русского на английский. Разумеется, это не единственное применение данного справочника, но дальнейшие примеры его использования уже оставляю на усмотрение читателей
  58. (FR) - Remake, reboot, prequel, spin-off, petit précis de vocabulaire hollywoodien | CINÉMA - De Sexy Dance 4 - mais en 3D - qui peut-être considéré selon le néologisme consacré comme une "sequel" à Total Recall - Mémoires Programmées "remake" à tendance "reboot" du classique de Paul Verhoeven sorti en 1990 avec Arnold...
  59. (IT) - Il glossario dell’editoria | Sindacato Traduttori Editoriali. Piccolo glossario dell’editoria a uso dei traduttori
  60. (EN) - Cover Letter Samples | Cover letter samples, templates and formats for a variety of different jobs, including examples of different types of cover letters, referral letters, and inquiry letters, as well as letters for a variety of levels of candidates and for many...
  61. (IT)-(EN)-(PDF) - Dispositivi medici - Classificazione Nazionale dei Dispositivi medici (CND). La prima versione della Classificazione Nazionale dei Dispositivi medici è stata definita dalla Commissione Unica sui Dispositivi medici nel luglio 2005 e approvata con Decreto Ministeriale 22 settembre 2005 (pubblicato nel Supplemento ordinario alla G.U. n. 286 del 9 dicembre 2005). Per quanto attiene all’impostazione complessiva della Classificazione, si rinvia al testo di “Introduzione alla Classificazione Nazionale dei Dispositivi medici“, approvato con il Decreto sopra citato congiuntamente alla Classificazione stessa e riportato integralmente in nota al presente documento. Successivamente, la legge finanziaria per il 2006 (legge n. 266 del 2005) ha previsto un diverso percorso per l’approvazione della classificazione nazionale, comportante il coinvolgimento della Conferenza Stato – Regioni. La C.U.D., nel frattempo ricostituita, ha deciso di procedere a un’attenta revisione della classificazione predisposta nel 2005 e di completarla inserendovi anche i dispositivi medicodiagnostici in vitro non compresi nella prima versione. La nuova versione della C.N.D. approvata dalla C.U.D. è stata emanata con Decreto ministeriale del 20 febbraio 2007 ed è stata pubblicata nella G.U. n. 63 del 16 marzo 2007. Come previsto dal decreto di emanazione della CND è stata effettuata la prima revisione annuale della CND con Decreto ministeriale del 13 marzo 2008 pubblicato nella G.U. 29 maggio 2008
  62. (TOOL) - 2013 International Medical Interpreters Association Conference | IMIA. 2013 International Medical Interpreters Conference - Specialized Interpreting - Getting Beyond the Basics: Exploring Quality Interpreting for Multiple Specialties - Come Join Us to Celebrate IMIA's First Conference outside Boston! - January 18 - 20, 2013 - Miami Beach Convention Center - 1901 Convention Center Drive - Miami Beach, FL 33139
  63. (EN) - electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC) | The most up to date, comprehensive, regulated information about medicines. Search the latest approved prescribing information (SPCs) and patient information leaflets (PILs) for licensed medicines. Find information about interactions, side effects and dosages. Find and print copies of patient information leaflets. The electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC) contains up to date, easily accessible information about medicines licensed for use in the UK. The eMC has more than 9,000 documents, all of which have been checked and approved by either the UK or European government agencies which license medicines. These agencies are the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
  64. (ES) - Goodrae - Diccionario hipertextual e inverso basado en el de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua | RAE. Goodrae es un juego de palabras; de todas las palabras. Con Goodrae puedes sumergirte en el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua (RAE) y navegar por ellas porqueconvierte el diccionario de la RAE en hipertexto: todas las palabras enlazan a su entrada en el diccionario (si existe, si no, te hace una sugerencia). Goodrae permite realizar búsquedas en el contenido de los artículos (diccionario inverso). Además, está lematizado: idéntifica la forma canónica de los términos buscados, muestra su definición y permite consultar palabras de su misma familia
  65. (EN) - Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing eTool: Glossary of Terms | This is an abridged version of the Dictionary of Petroleum Terms provided by Petex and the University of Texas Austin © Petex 2001
  66. (EN)-(ES) - Oilfield Dictionary | Weatherford. Oilfield English Spanish Dictionary (293 pages)
  67. (IT)-(EN) - Glossario di Endodonzia | Dr. Giovanni Schianchi. Dizionario Endodontico INGLESE-ITALIANO a cura del Dr. Giovanni Schianchi
  68. (IT) - Schema AIFA sulla verifica delle Norme di Buona Pratica Clinica presso i Comitati etici e i siti sperimentali, secondo gli orientamenti europei in materia
  69. (TOOL) - How to create a termbase in MultiTerm | Jayne Fox. If you translate using Trados, it’s well worth the effort to learn how to use MultiTerm to manage your terminology. It can help you to translate faster and increase the consistency and quality of your translations. To make the most of MultiTerm, you’ll need to learn how to: • Create a termbase • Convert and import a glossary from Excel • Add a termbase to a project in Trados Studio • Use term recognition to insert terms into your translation • Add terms to your termbase as you translate. This might seem like a lot, but if you’re already using Trados, learning MultiTerm will definitely make a difference to your translations. In this post I’ll look at how to create a specific kind of termbase in MultiTerm: a bilingual glossary. I’ll explain the steps in MultiTerm2011 – and if you have the 2009 version, the steps are almost identical, so you'll still be able to follow them. Then I’ll look at the other procedures in future posts
  70. (EN) - 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR & ECC. Access the full 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR & ECC, published in the journal Circulation on October 18, 2010
  71. (MULTI)-(PDF) - Multilingual ERC Guidelines 2010 | The European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2010 provide specific instructions for how resuscitation should be practiced and take into account ease of teaching and learning, as well as the science. They were developed by Europeans and have been specifically written with European practice in mind. In English, Catalan, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Portuguese and Slovenian (ALS, BLS, PLS, EPLS, ERC, AED, Advanced Life Support, Basic Life Support, Pediatric Life Support, European Resuscitation Council, Automatic External, Defibrillation, defibrillation, guidelines, manuals, Ilcor, Stavanger, Congress, cardiac arrest)
  72. (PL)-(EN) - Słownik Inżyniera Polsko-Angielski | Jerzy Kazojć. OTWARTY SŁOWNIK INŻYNIERA POLSKO-ANGIELSKI V.03.2010(c) 2010 Jerzy Kazojć - wszelkie prawa zastrzeżoneSłownik zawiera 121774 słówka
  73. (EN) - Glossary of suicide prevention | This is a list of commonly used terms in information about mental health and suicide prevention. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Suicide hotline, 24/7 free and confidential, nationwide network of crisis centers
  74. (EN) - Defining a Conscious Economy: A Glossary of Sustainability Acronyms and Terms | Beth Busenhart & Charlie Kuhn. We are experiencing a renaissance of sorts in business where leaders are recognizing the power of a market based approach to affect positive social and environmental change. Capital is being raised and deployed to facilitate change in the form of Impact Investment vehicles. Impact Investing alone is expected to become a $500 billion industry in the next ten years...
  75. (IT)-(PDF) - Controllo Revisioni Veicoli non Italiani | Per quanto riguarda l’accertamento dell’articolo 80/14° su veicolo immatricolato all’estero si procede come per i veicoli italiani: sanzione pecuniaria relativa (che deve essere pagata immediatamente ai sensi dell’articolo 207 altrimenti si procede al fermo amministrativo) e annotazione sul documento di circolazione nei modo di cui sotto. Elenco degli stati recensiti: · Austria · Belgio · Bielorussia · Bosnia · Bulgaria · Croazia · Estonia · Francia · Germania · Grecia · Inghilterra · Lettonia · Lituania · Macedonia · Moldavia · Olanda · Polonia · Portogallo · Repubblica Ceca · Romania · San Marino · Slovacchia · Slovenia · Spagna · Svezia · Svizzera · Ucraina · Ungheria
  76. (EN) - Glossary of Nutritional Terms | Antioxidant Health Benefits: Useful Glossary of Nutritional Terms
  77. (EN)-(PDF) - CASTI Metals Black Book | CASTI Metals Black Book - European Ferrous Data, First Edition, is the fourth book published in the CASTI Metals Data Book Series. It contains almost 800 pages with more than 600,000 pieces of practical metal data
  78. (FI)-(SV)-(EN)-(PDF) - Sosiaalisen median sanasto | Sanastokeskus TSK ry. Monilta sosiaalisen median käsitteiltä puuttuu suomenkieliset termit tai käytetyissä termeissä on hajontaa, ja toisaalta useiden käsitteiden sisällöstä on erilaisia tulkintoja. Näistä syistä Sanastokeskus TSK:ssa käynnistyi keväällä 2009 Viestintäviraston Terminologia-työryhmän aloitteesta sanastohanke, jonka tarkoituksena oli koota sanastojulkaisuksi keskeisiä sosiaaliseen mediaan liittyviä käsitteitä. Oheinen, hankkeen tuloksena syntynyt sanasto on tarkoitettu kaikille internetin ja sosiaalisen median käyttäjille, niin yksityishenkilöille kuin organisaatioillekin, sekä sosiaalisen median sisällön ja palveluiden tuottajille. Sanaston tavoitteena on helpottaa myös tiedottajien, toimittajien ja kääntäjien työtä
  79. (TOOL)-(PDF) - Studies on Translation & Multilingualism: Crowdsourcing Translation | European Commission, 2012. The advent of the Internet and its rash development in the past few decades have revolutionised our habits and patterns of behaviour. It offers huge opportunities for communication or access to information, but is often blamed for disrupting human relations. We all — and especially young people — spend more and more hours in front of the screen. An increasing number of tasks, which in the past involved direct human contacts, are now performed through a machine — from carrying out banking transactions or buying plane tickets, to playing interactive games with people living thousands of kilometres away, or even donating money for a worthy cause
  80. (EN) - Glossary of Credit Terms: Credit Report, Credit Score and Other Terms | - Knowing what the different credit terminology means is essential to understanding your credit report and credit score. Find the definitions here
  81. (EN) - Spiritual Glossary | Glossary of Spiritual terms, mediumship, aura, spirit guides, reiki, trance, clairvoyance, clairaudience...
  82. (EN)-(PDF) - Glossary of Financing Instruments | World Resources Institute. This document provides a glossary of financing instruments and the mechanism of these instruments. These definitions may serve as a useful reference for public sector decision-makers evaluating the broad toolkit of options available to support private sector climate change mitigation projects in developing countries
  83. (DE)-(FR)-(EN) - Lexikon Vereinigung zur Förderung des Deutschen Brandschutzes e.V.. Die vfdb ist "Member of CFPA-Europe" (Confederation of Fire Protection Associations). Die vfdb arbeitet gemeinsam mit dem Deutschen Feuerwehrverband maßgeblich bei der internationalen Organisation CTIF (Comité Technique International de prévention et d'extinction du Feu) mit
  84. (DE)-(FR)-(IT)-(PDF) - Sicherheit Sécurité Sicurezza | In der Schweiz ereignen sich pro Jahr über 20000 Brände. Sie verursachen gemäss Beratungsstelle für Brandverhütung (BfB) gesamthaft Sachschäden von rund 600 Millionen Schweizer Franken jährlich, das heisst etwa 30000 Franken pro Fall. Knapp 5000 Brände haben elektrischen Strom als Ursache (Schaden rund 80 Mio. CHF). Und Brände belasten auch die Umwelt massiv: Die Schadstoffe vergiften Boden, Luft, Grund- und Oberflächenwasser. In der Industrie und im Gewerbe führen sie aber nicht nur zu direkten Sachschäden, die durch Versicherungen ersetzt werden. Sie führen auch zu einer Unterbrechung der Produktionsprozesse und der Dienstleistungsbereitschaft. Damit verliert das Unternehmen seine Marktpräsenz und seine Kunden
  85. (IT)-(PDF) - Corso di tecnica ed economia dei trasporti: Armamento ferroviario | Politecnico di Bari. Rotaia, traversa, massicciata, ruota ferroviaria, sala montata, cassa, rodiggio, sagoma limite...
  86. (PL)-(JPG) - Rynna i jej elementy (JPG image)
  87. (EN) - Glossary of Electronics Terms | Audio terminology can be very confusing and ambiguous. We talk about things all the time that our readers may not be able to fully understand. Back by popular demand, we've reconstituted our Glossary of Electronics Terms (with some very important updates) and included it here for all to reference as needed. We'll try to keep it updated as we expand our vocabulary and horizons and as technology coins new terms and phrases. Below is a basic list of most common words related to audio specifications and terminology
  88. (EN) - Roofing Terminology | Roofing terminology is unique, just like medicine has its own terminology that most people don't know, so does roofing. So, if roofing isn't your profession, you may find yourself stumped at some words
  89. (ES)-(IT)-(PDF) - Materiali didattici per il corso Spagnolo giuridico | Università degli Studi di Milano. Il corso è riservato a studenti con buona conoscenza della lingua spagnola. Dopo un’introduzione al sistema giuridico spagnolo, il corso sarà diviso in due moduli: il primo relativo al linguaggio del diritto costituzionale e all'esame dell'ordinamento statale spagnolo, il secondo focalizzato sul diritto e sul processo penale, con casi pratici che saranno esaminati nel corso delle lezioni. Il materiale per la preparazione dell’accertamento verrà messo a disposizione sul sito internet di Facoltà
  90. (ES)-(IT)-(€) - Dizionario Diritto Societario e Fallimentare Spagnolo Italiano. Proponiamo un Dizionario di Diritto Societario e Diritto Fallimentare bilingue SPAGNOLO-ITALIANO prima che venga pubblicato tramite casa editrice, ad un prezzo forfetario altrimenti non praticabile (7,00 Euro)
  91. (EN)-(FR)-(ES)-(DE)-(LA) - Equine Multilingual Dictionary - Online Unabridged PDF Edition. This electronic edition includes all of the detailed entries of the “Multilingual Dictionary of the Horse = Dictionnaire multilingue du cheval - English / Français / Español / Deutsch / Latin” Second edition, ISBN 2-9804600-4-4 published in 1997
  92. (EN)-(PDF) - Human Rerources Metrics Standards & Glossary | The following document contains a list of HR metrics, including formulas and descriptions. It has been arranged in a series of categories for ease of reference. The categories are as follows: • Compensation • HR Efficiency • Learning and Development • Productivity • Recruitment • Retention • Workforce Demographics. The purpose of this document is to allow HR practitioners to quickly and easily review a common set of HR metrics and choose those that best fit their organization. Alongside this individual support, we are providing a common standard for measurement that allows organizations to compare their scores with others using the same standards. The metrics standards are complimented by a glossary which provides a definition for each data point, including specific details on what should be counted in or out of these data points
  93. (EN)-(PDF) - English Style Guide: a handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission | EC-DGT. This Style Guide is intended primarily for English-language authors and translators, both in-house and freelance, working for the European Commission. But now that so many texts in and around the EU institutions are drafted in English by native and nonnative speakers alike, its rules, reminders and handy references aim to serve a wider readership as well. In this Guide, ‘style’ is synonymous with a set of accepted linguistic conventions; it therefore refers to recommended in-house usage, not to literary style. Excellent advice on how to improve writing style is given in The Plain English Guide by Martin Cutts (Oxford University Press, 1999) and Style: Toward Clarity and Grace by Joseph M. Williams (University of Chicago Press, 1995), and the European Commission’s own How to write clearly, all of which encourage the use of good plain English. For reasons of stylistic consistency, the variety of English on which this Guide bases its instructions and advice is the standard usage of Britain and Ireland (for the sake of convenience, called ‘British usage’ or ‘British English’ in this Guide)
  95. (EN) - Swiss Watch Glossary | Swiss Watch Glossary, Rolex, Patek Philippe, Omega, Panerai, IWC, Cartier, Longines... For those that are new into the world of watches, use our handy glossary for a breakdown of all the key terms
  96. (EN) - Hawaiian Ethnic Food Glossary | A partial glossary of ethnic foods that ca be found in restaurants, local grocery stores, and/ot at ethnic festivals throughout the Islands
  97. (EN) - A Guide to Copyrights | Canadian Intellectual Property Office. This guide explores what copyright is, the benefits of registration and the registration process. Although not a complete text on copyright laws or a substitute for professional advice you may need from a lawyer specializing in the area of copyright, this guide is designed to be your introduction to copyright registration and procedures. The guide explores what copyright is, the benefits of registration and the registration process
  98. (FR) - Le guide des droits d'auteur | Office de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada. Ce guide explique ce qu'est le droit d'auteur, les avantages de l'enregistrement ainsi que le processus d'enregistrement. Ce guide ne se veut pas un texte complet sur les lois du droit d'auteur et il ne saurait remplacer l'avis d'un professionnel spécialisé dans ce domaine; il vise néanmoins à vous donner un aperçu général du droit d'auteur et de ses procédures d'enregistrement
  99. ‎(EN)-(IT)-(PDF) - Manuale d'uso per saldatrice. Per ottimizzare la ricerca e il confronto dei termini, stampare e ripiegare
  102. (FR)-(DE)-(PDF) - Glossaire technique des métiers de la montagne | Glossaire technique allemand-français des métiers de la montagne (c) Adelink 2009
  103. (EN) - Nutrition Glossary | Glossary of nutritional terms. Common nutrition terms defined: Get educated and get healthy
  104. (EN) - Glossary of personal injury law | Bergener & Associates. The following are some common words used in personal injury law. This can be a useful guide while researching your personal injury claim
  105. (EN) - Types Of Pickles - Pickle Glossary | If you like pickles, you’re in luck: They’re low in calories, have no fat and have probiotic benefits. Cucumbers were probably first pickled 4,500 years ago in Mesopotamia, and spread around the world across trade routes. Today, there are thousands of different types of pickles in the world’s cuisines, as appetizers, side dishes, garnishes and snacks. Asia consumes more pickles per capita than any other region. This glossary addresses the types of pickles you’re most likely to encounter in the U.S.
  106. (EN) - Theories of Media - Keywords Glossary | The University of Chicago. The Keywords of Media Theory began life as an assignment in the course Theories of Media, taught by W. J. T. Mitchell at the University of Chicago. The course sought to explore the concept of media and mediation in very broad terms, looking not only at modern technical media and mass media, but at the very idea of a medium as a means of communication, a set of institutional practices, and a "habitat" in which images proliferate and take on a "life of their own." As a result of this goal, the course dealt as much with ancient as with modern media, with writing, sculpture, and painting as well as television and virtual reality. In methodology, the course drew from media studies, cinema and film, art history, and literature, but its goal was to establish connections between these fields that would allow for a theory-driven, comparative approach to the study of media and their history
  107. (MULTI) - Glossario di SolidWorks | Glossario di SolidWorks, software di disegno e progettazione tridimensionale parametrica (dalla pagina principale è possibile accedere alle altre 13 lingue e rispettivi glossari)
  108. (EN)-(IT)-(FR)-(ES)-(DE)-(EL)-(PDF) - Glossary of terms used in EU competition policy | EU Bookshop. • Glossary of terms used in EU competition policy: Antitrust and control of concentrations • Glossar der Wettbewerbspolitik der EU: Kartellrecht und Kontrolle von Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen • Glossaire des termes employés dans le domaine de la politique de concurrence de l'Union européenne: Antitrust et contrôle des opérations de concentration • Glossario dei termini utilizzati nell'ambito della politica di concorrenza dell'UE: Antitrust e controllo delle concentrazioni • Glosario de términos utilizados en el ámbito de la política de competencia de la Unión Europea: Normas de defensa de la competencia y control de las concentraciones • Γλωσσάριο των όρων που χρησιμοποιούνται στην πολιτική ανταγωνισμού της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης: Συμπράξεις και έλεγχος συγκεντρώσεων
  110. (EN)-(PL) - An Illustrated English-Polish Seaman's Dictionary - Illustrowany angielsko-polski Słownik Morski. Historia polskich slownikow morskich siega okresu przedwojennego. Juz po wojnie ukaza-lo siq ich kilkanascie, o roznym charakterze i objgtosci. Kazda kolejna edycja byla wzbogacana onowe pojqcia, co odpowiadalo szybkim zmianom w zegludze we wszystkich dziedzinach z niqzwiqzanych. W ostatnich latach ukazywaly siq glownie niewielkie slowniki specjalistyczne, wpewnej mierze odzwierciedlajqce wspomniane zmiany
  111. (IT) - Glossario Informatico Termini e Definizioni | NoTrace. Il mondo informatico è ricco di temini, acronimi, sigle e definizioni, è molto facile quindi incontrare parole poco note o poco familiari quando ci si avvicina alla tecnologia. L'intento del Glossario dei termini è quello di aiutarvi a conoscere i significati delle parole riguardanti l'informatica e aiutarvi quindi in una migliore compresine dei testi sul sito
  112. (DE)-(EN) - Marshall Amplifiers Glossar | Marshall Amplification - die offizielle deutsche Website
  113. (DE)-(EN)-(PL)-(PDF) - Glossar Mechatronik | Hydraulik / Hydraulics / hydraulika - Pneumatik / Pneumatics / pneumatyka - Elektronik / Electronics / elektronika - General Vocabulary / słownictwo ogólne
  114. (PL)-(PDF) - Wyposażenie warsztatów samochodowych | Internetwebsite
  115. (MULTI) - Manypedia - Comparing Linguistic Points Of View (LPOV) of different language Wikipedias. On Manypedia you can compare the same Wikipedia page as it appears on 2 different language Wikipedias, both translated in your language. Manypedia is a project of Paolo Massa and Federico "fox" Scrinzi of SoNet group at FBK. For example you can search for a page in the English Wikipedia and compare it with the same page on the Chinese Wikipedia but translated into English. But, just as an example, you can also search for a page in the Arabic Wikipedia and compare it with the same page in Hebrew Wikipedia but translated into Arabic. Or from Italian compared with French, or from Tagalog compared with Catalan, or from Hindi compared with Irish, or from Turkish compared with Yiddish, or from Persian compared with Swahili...
  116. (EN) - Financial Glossary |
  117. (MULTI) - Glossaries by EU Institutions and bodies | TermCoord. Multilingual glossaries European Commission - Enlargement (all EU languages) EuroVOC - Multilingual Thesaurus EU (all EU languages + HR and SERB) Europa. Legislation Summaries - Glossary (11 EU lan...
  118. (EN) - Internet Slang Dictionary & Text Slang Translator | Internet Slang & Acronym Dictionary, Translator, and other slang resources. Keep your kids safe: Translate their internet and text slang
  119. (FR) - Dictionnaire Quebecois | Depuis quelques années déjà, les nombreux Français, et autres francophones du monde entier, qui débarquent en sol québécois, pour une nuit ou pour la vie, tergiversent allègrement sur le sens du "dialecte" baragouiné par les Québécois pure laine. Depuis quelques années déjà, nous songions donc à rédiger ce petit lexique, terrain d'entente et d'harmonie entre nations qui parlent la même langue mais pas toujours avec les mêmes mots, ni toujours dans un même sens. Ce lexique est donc un petit drapeau blanc, brandi bien haut, pour en finir avec les quiproquos futiles
  120. (EN) - - Online Business Dictionary. features over 20,000 terms and over 115,000 links between related terms providing a clear and concise description of any and all business terms. To succeed in business, it's absolutely essential to have a solid understanding of the terms and concepts used every day in the business world. We have designed our dictionary to help you gain the knowledge you need to achieve your goals in business and in life. includes a powerful search tool (at the top of every page), a browse by letter feature, and subject-specific dictionaries to help you learn the terminology you're interested in. In addition, you can subscribe to our free email newsletter, and receive a new term and definition each day, along with links to related information, so you can easily build your knowledge of business lingo every day
  121. (EN) - Makeup Terminology | Bridal Hair and Makeup Artist Philippines Chriselle Sy. Whether you call it makeup terminology or makeup jargon, the truth is beauty bloggers and gurus have created their own set of terms worthy of a beauty dictionary. This is the Cosmetic Fixation version of the terms used in cosmetics and their definitions to keep you up to date with all the makeup lingo! This list is the ultimate jargon buster so if there is any word that you can’t understand when it comes to makeup you are likely to find it on this list. If it’s not, it will be—I will continuously update this list to include as many terms as I can
  122. (EN)-(PDF) - Image Sensor Terminology by Truesense | Vladimir Koifman. As Truesense keeps converting former Kodak ISS group documents to its new ownership, the updated image sensor glossary popped up in my news alerts. Although the original is quite old, it's still one of the best glossaries available for free on the net
  123. (EN)-(PDF) - Nuclear Iran - A Glossary of Terms | Silendo. Nuclear Glossary in PDF format (50 pages) written by Simon Henderson and Olli Heinonen
  124. (DE)-(EN)-(FR)-(IT)-(ES) - Wörterbuch Bauwesen | ist eine unabhängige Internet-Plattform von und für Architekten und bietet eine Fülle an Informationen, Links und News aus verschiedenen Fachgebieten an
  125. (TOOL)-(CAT) - Tutorial Wordfast Anywhere Italiano. Registrazione, apertura, salvataggio, chiusura translation units, concordance
  126. (CS)-(EN)-(PDF) - Glossary: Animated Films | theBESTtranslation. This is a glossary of terms related to animated films and the International Animated Film Festival AniFest held annually in the Czech Republic
  127. (PL) - Słownik pojęć technicznych w medycynie | Katedra Elektroniki Medycznej i Ekologicznej Politechnika Gdańska. Zawarty w pakiecie nr 13 słownik pojęć technicznych w medycynie stanowi wypis najważniejszych pojęć z opracowanych w ramach projektu pakietów. Z tych względów słownik podzielono tematycznie na poszczególne pakiety. Dodatkowo dokonano podziału alfabetycznego wszystkich pojęć, dzięki czemu możliwe jest łatwe wyszukanie pojęcia w danej grupie liter alfabetu. Życzymy miłej pracy ze słownikiem
  128. (DE)-(EN)-(PDF) - Wörterbuch Bilanzierung | Wörterbuch - kompakt Deutsch/Englisch - Englisch/Deutsch. Eine Ergänzung zu: Meyer Bilanzierung nach Handels- und Steuerrecht
  129. (DE)-(EN) - Wörterbuch Bilanzbegriffe | Hier können Sie Übersetzungen zum oben aufgeführten Buchstaben finden. In diesem kleinen Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch werden wichtige Bilanzbegriffe übersetzt
  130. (DE)-(EN)-(PDF) - Accounting Dictionary |
  131. (EN) - Glossary of National Hurricane Center Terms |
  132. (MULTI) - Multilingual Glossary of technical and popular medical terms in nine European Languages | This project was commissioned by The EuropeanCommission(DG III) and executed by Heymans Institute of Pharmacology and Mercator School, Department of applied Linguistics. This system contains the electronic form of eight glossaries, in which you can find 1830 technical and popular medical terms in eight of the nine official European languages : English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Danish
  133. (EN) - Glossary of psychosocial and mental health key terms, acronyms, and laws | Those interested in psychosocial and mental health concerns encounter a host of specialized terms, acronyms, and references to legislation. In this brief glossary listing, you will find references to the sources from which the resources were drawn should you want to pursue more extensive glossaries. Included here are: Excerpts from: American Psychiatric Glossary (seventh edition; 1994) published by the American Psychiatric Press (Washington, DC) a glossary of acronyms and laws related to emotional and behavior disorders compiled by the Institute for Adolescents with Behavioral Disorders, Arden Hills, MN. The following is a sampling of key terms from the American Psychiatric Glossary (7th edition, edited by Jane Edgerton and Robert Campbell, III [1994]. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, Inc. It provides a user-friendly definition for quick referral. For a more extensive listing of terms, see the original source
  134. (EN) - Glossary of Health Care and Health Insurance Terms | Cigna. Cigna strives to make it easy for our customers and clients to understand health care and health insurance. Browse our easy-to-understand glossary of health care and health insurance terms
  135. (EN) - Diabetes Dictionary | This Diabetes Dictionary is derived from the original Diabetes Dictionary of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK). New material, updated definitions, internal hyperlinks, and links to related material have been added to make your search for information easier
  136. (ZH)-(EN) - Medical Dictionary | Free service providing the standard Chinese equivalents of medical terminologies as used by healthcare professionals in China...
  137. (EN) - MRI Glossary | Stand-Up MRI Scanner from Fonar sets a higher standard in Open magnetic resonance imaging. The Stand-Up MRI scanner features uncompromising design, a new level of openess,comfort,quietness, and most importantly...
  138. (EN) - Glossary of Medicinal Chemistry | Gerard P. Moss, Department of Chemistry, Queen Mary University of London. The objective of the glossary is to provide in a single document a consistent terminology and concise definitions of terms covering the various aspects of medicinal chemistry. This was felt necessary with regard to the rapid changes occuring in medicinal chemistry and also by the need to establish international definition standards. Effectively the possibility exists that in different countries certain terms may not have the same meaning, in such a case the creation of an internationally accepted definition is particularly justified. A Working Party belonging to the IUPAC Section on Medicinal Chemistry has therefore been assembled which prepared the present glossary. Concise but sufficiently explanatory definitions have been formulated for about one hundred commonly employed terms which can be considered of particular interest to the medicinal chemistry community. The glossary has been compiled in part from definitions proposed by the Working Party in part from earlier IUPAC glossaries and in part from well-accepted definitions taken from the literature but which were sometimes published in journals or books that may not be readily accessible
  139. (EN)-(DE)-(XLS) - Special accounting vocabulary | Excel file with 600 entries
  140. (DE)-(EN) - Glossar Rechnungslegung | IFRS-Portal. Das International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), vormals International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) hat das Ziel international anerkannte Rechnungslegungsgrundsätze und Interpretationen herauszugeben
  141. (IT) - Glossario Nutrizione | Ds Medica S.r.l. Il Glossario Nutrizione è uno strumento interattivo che si propone al cittadino ed allo specialista di Sanità come base di conoscenza e di approfondimento della terminologia medica...
  142. (IT) - Glossario Dermatologia | DSnetwork. Il glossario di dermatologia è lo strumento utile per comprendere la terminologia in uso alla dermatologia. Il contenuto informativo del sito deriva da affidabili ed autorevoli fonti scientifiche e bibliografiche. Le informazioni fornite sono di natura generale e a scopo puramente divulgativo, e non possono sostituire il consiglio di un medico abilitato o nei casi specifici, di altri operatori sanitari
  143. (IT)-(EN)-(PDF) - Glossario di Otorinolaringoiatria e Logopedia | DAILYNTERPRETER.COM. Queste 88 pagine di glossario medico Italiano-Inglese sono il frutto di tre anni di collaborazione con una delle più avanzate unità operative di otorinolaringoiatria e logopedia a livello italiano ed internazionale. I convegni in interpretazione simultanea, insieme alla traduzione di abstract e programmi, hanno permesso a me e alla collega che sin dall’inizio mi accompagna in questa avventura di acquisire una conoscenza sempre più approfondita della materia. Ciò nonostante, il lungo glossario bilingue che qui condivido non è un traguardo ma un punto di partenza, cui di anno in anno si aggiunge l’esperienza di un nuovo convegno di aggiornamento (per i medici che vi partecipano e per noi che siamo in cabina)
  144. (IT)-(EN) - Glossario Medico | DSnetwork. Il Glossario Medico è realizzato con il contributo de: il nuovo MEDICINA E BIOLOGIA — Medicine & Biology di Giovanni Delfino, Eudes Lanciotti, Gianfranco Liguri, Massimo Stefani su Licenza di Zanichelli Editore Spa
  145. (TOOL)-(€)-(PL) - Tłumaczenie poświadczone – nowa publikacja dra Artura Kubackiego. Adresatem książki są przede wszystkim kandydaci na tłumacza przysięgłego i/lub specjalistycznego oraz praktykujący tłumacze przysięgli, którzy chcieliby poszerzyć zakres wiedzy na temat wykonywanego przez nich zawodu
  146. (FR) - Glossaire Sciences, Eaux & Territoires | La revue d'Irstea
  147. (ES) - Pequeña recopilación (¿o compilación?) de algunos calcos o anglicismos. Pequeña recopilación (¿o compilación?) de algunos calcos o anglicismos (sacada de algunos trujamanes de Xosé Castro)
  148. (EN) - Glossary of Drama, Fiction and Poetic Terms | From the McGraw-Hill Online Larning Center
  149. (EN) - The Moving Glossary | Olger Fallas Painting. As everyone knows, reading legal documents is difficult. Would it be so hard for lawyers to write a contract in plain English? In any case, before you sign any document with a moving company, take a look at My Move’s newest infographic the “The Moving Glossary.” This infographic will help you to understand some of the most confusing language that you will see on a moving contract and help you determine if you are really getting a great deal or if you are just getting scammed
  150. (EN)-(ES)-(PDF) - Bilingual Public Health Glossary | Health Education Administration. A reference of commonly used public health terms in both English and Spanish
  151. (TOOL) - The NLM Toolbar | Guus van den Brekel. All News, Tools and Resources of the Largest Medical Library in the World Right At Your Fingertips. This NLM-toolbar, available for IE, Firefox, Safari and Chrome, offers: • Direct search in all NLM/NIH-resources and databases • Health News & News of all Departments and Services • A complete new One-Stop-Overview of the Whole NLM • Direct search & access to free E-Journals & E-books • Podcasts
  152. (EN) - Physician Medical Wiki | Ask Dr Wiki. Welcome to where you can publish your review articles, clinical notes, pearls, and medical images on the site. Using a wiki anyone with a medical background can contribute or edit medical articles. The Main focus has been on Cardiology and Electrophysiology but we have started to expand to other specialties
  153. (EN) - Ganfyd, the free medical knowledge base | Welcome to - The free medical knowledge base that anyone can read and any registered medical practitioner may edit. Ganfyd is a collaborative medical reference by medical professionals and invited non-medical experts. The site is based around the wiki format, enabling true sharing of knowledge. Please join and help us to create a great source of information and experience! Ganfyd is the first of its type and relies on your contributions to make it a truly world-class resource
  154. (EN) - WikiDoc The Living Textbook of Medicine | Information technology has leveled the playing field among knowledge workers. Silos of knowledge are coming down and knowledge workers are now sharing information more freely. Those communities that share knowledge most freely, grow and innovate most rapidly. In order to flourish, knowledge workers need free access to shared knowledge. As a result, copyright is out, and copyleft is in. WikiDoc was created to freely share medical knowledge and to foster collaboration among healthcare providers. Launched by Dr. C. Michael Gibson of Harvard Medical School in late 2005, WikiDoc is the first and largest wiki dedicated to medicine on the Internet. WikiDoc is kept up to date by over 5,000 collaborators around the world. The content has now been updated nearly half a million times. There is no pharmaceutical or device industry support for the site. WikiDoc is intended to be a free shared resource for housestaff (in preparation for morning report), medical students (in preparation for morning rounds) and fellows (in preparation for conferences). Nurses and attending physicians may find WikiDoc valuable in improving and maintaining their fund of general medical knowledge. We hope you will consider volunteering your time and contents to provide free, up to date medical information to both patients and physicians around the world
  155. (EN) - Health Sciences Bookshelf | Wikibooks, open books for an open world. Books in this subject area deal with the health sciences: the study and research of the food that we eat and the study and research of health-related issues to understand how humans (and animals) function, and the application of that knowledge to improve health and to prevent and cure diseases
  156. (EN) - Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology | SAA. There was a time when individuals entering the archival profession could read a few texts, peruse some journals, attend a workshop and institute or two, and walk away with a sense that they grasped the field’s knowledge and discipline. This was an inadequate perception, of course, but it was true that the publications—basic or advanced, practical or theoretical—were modest in number. The archival world has changed considerably since these more quiet times. A rich monographic research literature is developing. Scholars from far outside the field are examining the "archive" and the "record." Archives, archivists, records, and records managers are in the daily news as cases appear testing government and corporate accountability, organizational and societal memory, and the nature of documentary evidence—all challenging basic archival work and knowledge
  157. (EN) - Nursing Bra Glossary | Leading Lady. Bras, full figure bra & nursing bra. Shop maternity, pregnancy, underwire, wirefree, sleeping, big sports & leisure plus size bras & breastfeeding camis
  158. (JA) - 文化デジタルライブラリー 歌舞伎編・その三 歌舞伎事典 | Japan Arts Council
  159. (DE)-(FR)-(IT)-(PDF) - SICHERHEIT - SÉCURITÉ - SICUREZZA | Unterhalt von Sicherheitseinrichtungen - L’entretien des dispositifs de sécurité - Manutenzione di dispositivi di sicurezza
  160. (DE)-(IT)-(PDF) - Listino ferramenta per serramenti in legno |
  161. (EN)-(FR)-(PDF) - Key Terminology Guidebook for Reporting on Aboriginal Topics | Sabar. SABAR develops a guide for reporters/journalists working on Canadian First Nations/Aboriginal issues. English version: click on Download Key Terms - French version : click on Guide terminologique autochtone
  162. (JA)-(EN) - La Biennale di Venezia - Japanese Pavilion (Venice Biennale / ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ)
  163. (PT)-(PDF) - Futebol americano – Glossário de termos | Dropbox
  164. (DE)-(EN)-(€) - Wörterbuch der Textilveredelung / Dictionary of Textile Finishing: Deutsch/Englisch, English/German (German and English Edition) (9783540432142): H.-K. Rouette: Books. Das Wörterbuch der Textilveredelung gibt dem Textilingenieur die korrekten Fachausdrücke für 16.000 Stichworte seines Arbeitsbereiches in englischer Sprache und vice versa. Der neueste Stand der Technik ist mitenthalten. Es schafft außerdem die Verknüpfung zwischen der "Encyclopedia of Textile Finishing" und dem "Lexikon der Textilveredelung" vom selben Autor. Ergänzt wird das Werk durch einen umfassenden Akronymeteil aus dem Textilbereich (ca. 500 Akronyme und ihre Bedeutungen). In the Dictionary of Textile Finishing the textile engineer will find the correct technical terms for 16.000 keywords within his field of activity in German language and vice versa. The terms cover the latest state of the art. The dictionary is the link between the "Encyclopedia of Textile Finishing" and the "Lexikon der Textilveredelung" from the same author. It is supplemented by a comprehensive collection of acronyms in the textile field (approx. 500 acronyms and their meanings)
  165. (TOOL)-(FR) - Vérifiez la santé des entreprises françaises | permet de rechercher rapidement une entreprise sur la France entière par le nom de l'entreprise, le numéro de SIREN, le nom d'un dirigeant
  166. (EN)-(IT)-(FR)-(ES) - Dictionary of beekeeping terms | Dictionary of beekeeping terms italiano-français-english-español
  167. (EN) - DoS and DDoS Glossary | Prolexic. Understand the meaning behind DDoS attack terms. From amplification attack to UDP protocol, Prolexic explains the meaning behind the DoS and DDoS attack jargon. When it comes to distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, the various terms and acronyms can be quite confusing. PLXsert explains all in this glossary of terms
  168. (FR) - Glossaire marketing | Le Marketing de A à Z
  169. (IT)-(EN)-(ES)-(DE)-(FR)-(PT)-(PDF) - Brochure multilingue macchina per pasta combinata | Modula è la macchina per pasta fresca combinata destinata a ristoratori, gastronomie, panificatori ed ai molti altri operatori professionali che intendono produrre un'ampia varietà di tipi e formati di pasta in spazi limitati ed a fronte di un investimento contenuto
  170. (TOOL) - FIT-Europe - Debt Collection Procedures ~ Précédures de recouvrement des créances (.pdf files - fichiers .pdf) - Material provided by ~Matériel envoyé par: Österreichischer Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherverband "Universitas"- Association des anciens élèves de l'ESIT - Société française des traducteurs - Assoziierte Dolmetscher und Übersetzer in Norddeutschland e.V. (ADÜ Nord) - Israel Translators' Association - Assoziazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti (AITI) - TEPIS, Polish Society of Economic, Legal and Court Translators - Asociación Española de Traductores, Correctores e Intérpretes (ASETRAD) - Association suisse des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes - The Translators' Association - Institue of Translation and Interpreting - The American Translators Association - Asociaţia Traducătorilor din România (ATR) - Chambre belge des traducteurs, interprètes et philologues (CBTIP) - Union des Interpretes et Traducteurs (JTP)
  171. (EN) - Glossary of firefighting equipment | Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  172. (MULTI) - Multilingual Lemmas - Dizionario medico multilingue | Salus - Medicina in rete. On this page you will have to choose your look-up language (DANISH - DUTCH - ENGLISH - FRENCH - GERMAN - ITALIAN - PORTUGUESE - SPANISH). After your selection, you can call the alphabetical list of medical terms or the glossary in the language you have selected. You can switch between the glossary, the list and the multilingual lemma collection. The multilingual lemma collection gives you the translations of the term in the seven other languages. There is also an English dictionary available that gives you the English definition of all terms
  173. (PT)-(EN)-(PDF) - Equipamento e acessórios de roupas para Bombeiros - Firefighting Equipment | QualyTextil S.A.
  174. (TOOL)-(DE) - Online-Mahnantrag - Ihr Mahnbescheid-Antrag im Internet. Der Online-Mahnantrag ist ein von der Justiz der Bundesländer zur kostenlosen Nutzung zur Verfügung gestelltes interaktives Formular, mit dem der Antrag auf Erlass eines Mahnbescheids im Internet ausgefüllt werden kann. Die Antragsdaten können danach an das zuständige Mahngericht entweder verschlüsselt und signiert über das Internet übermittelt oder auf Papier gedruckt und per Post übersandt werden. Der Online-Mahnantrag richtet sich an Bürgerinnen und Bürger, Unternehmen und Prozessbevollmächtigte, die keine eigene Mahnsoftware für die Erstellung des Antrags einsetzen. Die Antragsdaten werden bei der Eingabe bereits inhaltlich geprüft, so dass fehlerhafte Anträge weitgehend vermieden werden
  175. (IT)-(PDF) - Corso sulla lavorazione della lamiera | Nelle pagine che seguono passeremo in rassegna le lavorazioni attraverso le quali dal foglio di lamiera viene ricavato l’oggetto finito, che si possono sinteticamente riassumere in operazioni di sagomatura, formatura, assemblaggio e finitura. Esamineremo, per ora, le operazioni di sagomatura e di formatura, rimandando l’esame delle operazioni di assemblaggio e di finitura
  176. (DE)-(EN)-(€) - Wörterbuch der Textilveredelung / Dictionary of Textile Finishing: Deutsch/Englisch, English/German (German and English Edition). Das Wörterbuch der Textilveredelung gibt dem Textilingenieur die korrekten Fachausdrücke für 16.000 Stichworte seines Arbeitsbereiches in englischer Sprache und vice versa. Der neueste Stand der Technik ist mitenthalten. Es schafft außerdem die Verknüpfung zwischen der "Encyclopedia of Textile Finishing" und dem "Lexikon der Textilveredelung" vom selben Autor. Ergänzt wird das Werk durch einen umfassenden Akronymeteil aus dem Textilbereich (ca. 500 Akronyme und ihre Bedeutungen). In the Dictionary of Textile Finishing the textile engineer will find the correct technical terms for 16.000 keywords within his field of activity in German language and vice versa. The terms cover the latest state of the art. The dictionary is the link between the "Encyclopedia of Textile Finishing" and the "Lexikon der Textilveredelung" from the same author. It is supplemented by a comprehensive collection of acronyms in the textile field (approx. 500 acronyms and their meanings)
  177. (EN) 4x4 Basics - 4x4 Glossary - SUVs, 4WD, Off-Road 4x4s | Jeep. Official Jeep site. Get definitions to common 4x4 terms
  178. (MULTI) - Privacy Glossary & Copyright Manual | eYouGuide Europa. Privacy Glossary and Copyright manual in 10 european languages (click on Language in the upper right corner)
  179. (FR)-(EN)-(€) - Beauty Talk : Dictionnaire de la parfumerie, de la cosmeologie (Bilingue Francais/Anglais - Anglais/Francais (French and English Edition). Agnes Meilhac: Finally a specialized dictionary in an area of translation that so far has had very little bone fide research! Beauty Talk Dictionary of Perfumery, Cosmetology & Beauty Products is a relatively comprehensive (though non-exhaustive), up-to-date guide to cosmetics lingo in French and English. Intended as a quick, at-a-glance reference, it contains valuable entries divided into themes to help find concepts, related words and expressions per subject area (body, botanical ingredients, colors, essential oils, eyes, face, hair, lips, packaging, perfumes, skin, skin and sun)
  180. (EN) - List of permitted health claims made on foods | EUR-Lex. Commission Regulation (EU) No 432/2012 of 16 May 2012 establishing a list of permitted health claims made on foods, other than those referring to the reduction of disease risk and to children’s development and health (Text with EEA relevance). The list of health claims which may be made on foods, as referred to in Article 13(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006, is set out in the Annex to this Regulation
  181. (DE) - Glossar zu Flaggen und Wappen (Hans-Ulrich Herzog). Im "Flaggenkurier" Nr. 16 (Dezember 2002), S. 70-85, stellte Hans-Ulrich Herzog sein Glossar zur Diskussion. Wir hatten es zunächst im internen Bereich unserer Website eingehängt. Seit 18. Mai 2005 steht das Glossar allen Flaggeninteressenten zur Verfügung
  182. (DE) - Glossar Evolution (Zentrale für Unterrichtsmedien). Umfangreiche Glossare Evolution für Biologiekurs Klasse 13
  183. (TOOL)-(PDF) - 2012 Freelance Industry Report | Ed Gandia. In an effort to uncover the truth about freelancing, International Freelancers Academy commissioned the 2012 Freelance Industry Report, which you can download FREE via the below. Nearly 1,500 freelancers from around the world (working in more than 50 different professions) provided valuable insight you won’t find elsewhere. In this free report, which includes more than 80 charts and graphs, you’ll discover...
  184. (PL)-(PDF) - Wypalarka laserowa - parametry technologiczne | LVD COMPANY. Niniejszy podręcznik zawiera informacje dotyczące parametrów technologicznych stosowanych w wypalarce laserowej LVD/STRIPPIT. Z dokumentu moŜna korzystać jedynie w odniesieniu do maszyn AXEL & IMPULS ze sterownikiem 160i-L

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